Monday, January 21, 2008

Campaign Beginnings

This Saturday amidst their otherwise busy lives, 75 or so of my friends met to begin organizing into 33 precinct committees. Okay, the task of reaching 25,000 or so voters still seems overwhelming, but looking around we had a truly diverse group of talented folks who agreed to do grassroots work way below their pay grade. Looking ahead to the election, we have the common cause of breathing some fresh air into our local government. Please, Grow your committee; Diversify your committee; Report back to Headquarters (681-0553) or email

Oh yes, one Principle Note, the Campaign has decided to make an ethical statement by not accepting donations from attorneys! The mark of a good judge is one who will rule against his former lawyer friends when they are wrong and rule for his former rivals when they're right. Don't take this the wrong way. I'm the son of a lawyer, married to a lawyer, nobody loves lawyers more than me, but the public needs to understand that justice isn't for sale to the lawyer who contributes the most to the judge's campaign.