Thursday, February 21, 2008

Daughters of the American Revolution

Sometimes we get preconceived notions about people and organizations from the slightest bit of misinformation and never know what we've been missing. Forty some years ago my mom told me that she had been unsuccessful in establishing our ancestral heritage to gain admittance to the DAR. If I remember correctly she traced her side of our family back to the side of the British in the Revolutionary War. In any event this slight bit of childhood information made me believe that the DAR was not the best of organizations. After all these years, I stand corrected.

The DAR is a "non-profit, non-political volunteer women's service organization dedicated to promoting patriotism, preserving American history, and securing America's future through better education for children." I had the good fortune recently to see our local chapter in action giving awards to high school seniors and was much impressed with their mission and meeting. One of the major roles of the organization is to promote the guiding princiles upon which this country was founded. As far as I'm concerned we don't have enough understanding and appreciation for those ideas and any organization which is actively promoting them has to be commended. The beauty and brilliance of our jury system, our constitutional rights and our freedom in this country cannot be celebrated enough. Here's to the DAR and its volunteers for all you do!