Sunday, July 6, 2008

Should you be on a Jury if you are over 65 years of age?

Another minor problem in our local legal system has been the automatic exclusion of persons over 65 from the jury pool. The result was that younger less experienced jurors not fairly representing a cross-section of our community were deciding important legal business for the rest of us. Would it restore your confidence in the integrity of our legal system, to know that persons over 65 are now being summonsed for jury duty? For me, I noticed the youthful nature of our potential jurors and asked our computer services folks what was going on. It turns out that our County's computers had been programmed to automatically excluded all persons over 65 from jury duty. Yes, you may claim an exemption from the first summons if you are over 65 but an automatic and complete exclusion is not provided for that reason alone. It may be an inconvenience for Judges and Clerks to sort through those who are over 65 and identify those who continue to be ready willing and able to serve but it's surely worth the effort to restore the wisdom of our somewhat older citizens to our juries.